Rollie Pollie Ville

When I was a young girl, my dad used to call me Rollie pollie. I think it was the cutest nickname!

In case you didn't know, rollie pollies are super cute! They can roll up into a ball but I rarely get to see that since I don't threaten them, I just observe them, feed them and give them water. Sometimes when I find a rollie pollie that seems to be lost I will add him into one of my "Rollie PollieVilles"

Allow me to explain. :         =)

I have a "unknown type of " pepper plant growing outside in a flower pot. I named this flower pot and another one of my flower pots "Rollie Pollie Ville" because each pot is filling up quickly with a healthy Rollie Pollie colony.

At first I noticed one rollie pollie, then another until I realized that they were building a small "pill bug settlement "in my flower pot. I've been noticing more and more rollie pollies in each pot everyday! Ive always loved rollie pollies. My whole life I would "move them to safety" / put them in the garden.

I think I might like rollie pollies so much because "rollie pollie" was my nickname as a child. Well that and "sweet pea" was another nickname and I love sweet peas too!   =)

So, I've got these rollie pollies and I really like them. Eventually after watching them long enough I have been inspired by my pet colony of rollie pollies. I'm going to write a species profile about them and publish it to my website. I really like my pet rollie pollies and I'm going to show you all some pictures of them ASAP. I will let you know once the article is finished, so.......             =) 

Until next time,

* SunnyStars *

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