Sat-4-25-09 My Pomegranate Seeds Arrived!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pomegranate Seeds

I ordered some pomegranate seeds off of eBay a few days ago and they arrived in the mail today.
I followed the instructions that came with the seeds, which directed me to soak the seeds in warm water for two hours and then plant them in loose/moist soil.

I didn't plant all of the pomegranate seeds so that I could save some of them. Just in case the seeds that I'm sprouting at the moment happen to NOT sprout for some awful reason.

I am also trying a totally different sprouting technique with three of the pomegranate seeds. I am trying to maximize my chances of having any of the seeds sprout. I will keep you updated on both of my seed sprouting processes and I will take plenty of pictures of my new pomegranate adventure.

My whole family has been begging me to grow them some pomegranates and finally the time has come and I'm super happy about it!

I will take pictures throughout the entire growing process of the pomegranate seeds so STAY TUNED! =)

See you soon!

- Sunny


  1. Any progress on the pomegranate tree? I'd love to grow some one day! A favorite childhood memory was my neighbors pom tree : ). Hehe, I'm sure 1 month isn't enough to have much noticeable progress, but I'm excited for the updates and inspiration for my own fledgling garden.

    Jules @ Lovely Las Vegas

  2. Hi Jules,

    I've had no luck with the pomegranate seeds yet. I decided that I would try to stratify a few of the seeds and see how that goes.

    I'm really waiting for pomegranate season to come around. I have been checking the grocery stores and produce sections and I haven't found any whole, ripe pomegranates yet. I have read that it is very easy to get the seeds to sprout if you take them directly out of the pomegranate yourself.

    I will keep you updated on both "experiments" I'm hoping that I don't get impatient and buy a few baby pomegranate trees off of the internet somewhere.

  3. Update!

    I have a baby pomegranate sprout! =)

    It's so cute and healthy!

    I had been trying to sprout the pomegranate seeds using several different methods. None of the methods worked except for my regular sprouting technique. I'm writing a blog post about it as we speak.

    The post is titled :

    Pomegranate seed finally sprouted.
